Best of AUA 2017 Annual Meeting // 26-28 October 2017 // Riyadh, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Best of AUA 2017

AUA remarks

AUA Remarks

Best of AUA 2017 Annual Meeting -Saudi Arabia

Inderbir Gill MD MChIt is my honor to invite you to attend the inaugural Best of AUA 2017 Annual Meeting program to be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on 26-28 October 2017. This activity is brought to you through a partnership with the American Urological Association and the Saudi Urological Association. AUA has a long history of friendship and collaboration with urologists in the region and is honored to be partnering with the Saudi Urological Association on this important collaboration.

A distinguished group of course directors and U.S. faculty whom are leaders in their respective fields have been assembled for this dynamic program which has been specifically designed for practicing urologists, urologists-in-training and allied health professionals involved in treating urologic disease.

The program will not only highlight the latest advances and treatments in urologic medicine as presented at the 2017 AUA Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, but will also feature leading U.S. experts presenting state-of-the-art lectures, AUA clinical guidelines, and case discussions.

So whether you missed the 2017 AUA Annual Meeting or couldn’t attend all of the sessions on your list, you can still catch-up with the Best of the AUA 2017 Annual Meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

I look forward to your participation in this state-of-the-art program and seeing you in Riyadh!

Best wishes,

Inderbir S. Gill, MD, Mch

Chair of Global Initiatives, AUA

SUA Address

K.S.A. King Abdulaziz University
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Urology
P.O. Box 80215
Jeddah 21589
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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