- 4-5 October 2019
- Jeddah Hilton Hotel, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Sexual Medicine , Body , Mind and Soul
In collaboration with: Saudi Urological Association (SUA)
Online registration is not possible anymore. To register for the meeting, please turn to the onsite registration desk (cash payments only).
For your VISA application, please take the following procedure into account:
- Register for the meeting through: https://www.saudiurology.org/course/?id=30
- Once you complete the registration, a confirmation letter will be displayed stating that you are successfully registered for the MESSM 5th Biennial Meeting 2019.
- Proceed to apply for a business visa to enter Saudi Arabia through one of the following links:
- https://www.mofa.gov.sa/sites/mofaen/EServ/ServiceCatalog/Pages/serviceDetails.aspx?svc=91 - This link includes steps to apply for the visa.
- https://enjazit.com.sa/ - Apply for a business visa from here.
- Complete the Visa Application process, it is recommended to apply for the visa one month before the meeting date.
- Make sure to upload/provide a copy of the confirmation letter (see step 2) with your visa application.
- At the end of your visa application process, you will be provided with a tracking number.
- Finally, please send this tracking number to the following two e-mail addresses:
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